The PIF is an intergovernmental Regional Organisation, which aims to enhance cooperation
between independent countries of the Pacific Ocean and represent their interests. Presently,
the goals of the forum are economic growth regional stability (Evans-Locke, 2016). The PIF
aim to achieve this through providing policy advice and guidance to its member states.
The PIF also operates under the proviso of its six guiding principles of forum activities:
- Special and differential consideration
- The Pacific Way
- ForesightCommon
- Heritage
- Communication
- Continuous
- Performance
Furthermore, the organisation of Forum activites is split into three main categories:
- Economic Governance
- Political Governance and Security
- Strategic Partnerships and Coordination.
“Our objective is strengthened governance, legal, financial and administrative systems” - Framework for Pacific Regionalism
Good governance is one of the core principles of the Pacific Islands Forum. Such an emphasis is placed on good governance by the forum that in 2000 The Biketawa Declaration was released, outlining the key guiding principles necessary for good governance, as well as detailing the specific courses for action in the event of a regional crisis of governance within the area. As part of this commitment to good governance by all members, the declaration also makes the commitment to fundamental values of human rights, stating “belief in the liberty of the individual under the law, equal rights for all citizens regardless of gender, race, colour, creed or political belief” and “upholding democratic processes and institutions which reflect national and local circumstances, including the peaceful transfer of power” (Pacific Islands Forum, The Biketawa Declaration, 2000).
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